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from ASIA, now in the USA: the eVolution Clinic by zDrLady

zDrLady where beauty is born was founded in ASIA by Dyana Powers. International jet setter & traveler throughout Europe & Asia. 

There she personally set out to find BEAUTY in all shapes and sizes.

How did they achieve this inner glow? 

How can they maintain this perfection at 70 ?

Why did some cultures consider the most beautiful the least beautiful ???

the eVolution clinic
iMage by zDrLady

Beauty & Growth Clinic

designed for Internationally Minded People

with offices based in NYC. 

Featuring zDrLady founder offering

iMage Consulting,

the eVolution of YOU. Designing your iMage & Beauty from the inside out. Be the Great you, you can be. Get those jobs, kill at that podcast, become a people magnet.

Life Coaching,

help you maximize your full potential and reach your desired results. just like a supportive friend and a trusted adviser rolled into one.

Clinical Services.

esthetics, skin, face/body sculpting, medical massage therapy & makeup

the eVolution clinic is for both 

Women & Men.


the eVolution clinic


Natural Beauty
Beauty Consultant
Beauty Consultant

where beauty is born

zDrLady Spa & Wellness center was born in deep in ancient eastern culture. Home in Shenzhen, China and Hong Kong.  Where youth is a natural progression the secrets have been accumulated to develop and design true mind altering treatments and technology.


zDrLady Spa & Clinic

East Asia

Where beauty is born

Get started and let that amazing you out of the box


ZDR consultants

447 Broadway 

2nd Fl #454

New York, NY. 10013

Travel location;

Kissimmee, Florida.

San Francisco, CA

Texas any location.


E-Mail: Dyana Powers

Tel: 321-200-6413 leave detailed message

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© 2006 by zDrLADY

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